Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meeting March 24th


We are back at the Parkallen School this week at our regular time at 6:30 PM. The weather is warm and Spring Break is around the corner. The Cubs do not have an official planned meeting but all Cubs are welcome to come out and have some fun before we take next week off.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Looking For Green

The Cubs and Scouts will meet this Wednesday at West Edmonton Mall, meeting at 6:45pm at the Starbucks/Chapters (main floor, near the big boat, downstairs from the movie theater.) Uniform shirt and neckers, please.

We will be doing a Green Scavenger Hunt, taking pictures of green things from a list. The team with the most and unique items from the list will be the winners! If you'd like to invite a friend, please do!

We'll be done at around 8pm, ending at the same place.

Monday, March 8, 2010

U of A Scavenger Hunt

Since the weather is soooooo warm and nice our Cubs will be visiting the University of Alberta for a scavenger hunt. We will be meeting at 6:30 PM in front of the Administrative Building (Building 67).